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Conception, Pregnancy & Child Birth

Supporting the Journey of New Life

Bringing a new life into this world is a beautiful and special journey.  Each stage, from conception, to pregnancy, to childbirth, can be uniquely supported.  And, as a special offer to celebrate the new babies of our pregnancy clients, your infant may receive one FREE Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy session within one month of their birth.


CranioSacral Therapy for Conception, Pregnancy & Birthing:

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) in a gentle hands-on therapy that works with the body's tissues to release tension and restrictions throughout the body.  The underlying premise of CST is that the human body wants to heal and correct itself.  Practitioners listen to the body to find areas of restriction, and support and facilitate the body's unwinding and processing while working with the body's inner wisdom.  This is why CST works so well with conception, pregnancy and birthing.  An expecting mother's body innately goes through enormous change in preparation for conception, the gestational process, and the birth itself.  It is an amazing process, led by the bodies of both the mother and the baby (fetus) which inherently know what they need to do.  During pregnancy CST is applied to both the mother and the baby together, but also as their own unique individuals.  Special care is taken to hold space for the baby while the mother is doing her own processing.


CST can be a wonderful way to nurture and support a standard pregnancy, as well as assist with far more complex cases.  It may help free tension and restriction patterns within the pelvis that might be effecting the reproductive organs or fetus.  CST may also address pain throughout the body, headaches/migraines, stress/anxiety, as well as emotional difficulties.  When used with standard medical care, CST has been shown to help avoid invasive birthing techniques, as well as ease the recovery from childbirth.


All CST sessions are performed with the client wearing their normal clothes.



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Pregnancy Massage:

This is a 60 or 90 minute general relaxation massage that helps to melt away the stress, aches and pains of pregnancy.  Pregnancy massage is done with the client in a sidelaying position for the comfort of both mother and baby.  Pregnancy massage is offered for mothers from the beginning of their second trimester through the end of their pregnancy.

Rachel: 717-831-6936

Ian: 610-368-5915 (also Harrisburg number)

3540 N. Progress Ave., Suite 106

Harrisburg, PA 17110

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